SARA’s Cellar Membership 2025

$365.30 USD

  • Only one membership per account is permitted.
  • You must be 21 or over to be a member of SARA’s Cellar.
  • The cost of membership for 2025 is $365.30 ($400 including tax).
  • This includes 13 bottles (7 “Cellar-only” beers and 6 of our “regular” offerings) distributed throughout the year, and a SARA’s Cellar memento (to be determined).
  • You will sometimes have the ability to purchase a second bottle of each release from a given allotment, but it is not guaranteed.
  • Club allotments will be distributed throughout the year, and each allotment must be picked up no later than the release of the next allotment (i.e., we will hold your bottles for no more than 3 months or so). If you cannot pick up your bottles yourself (or have them shipped as a CA or OR  resident), you must designate a trustee who can pick up your allotment in person. We are requiring that all trustees in 2025 also be SARA’s Cellar members. We would also ask people to limit the amount of members you trustee for to five, and to please reach out to us in advance to arrange pick up for several members.
  • All beer purchased and obtained through our membership is for the purpose of personal consumption only. Reselling the beer is illegal.
  • Recipients of beer shipped within California or Oregon must be at least 21 years old and must be available to sign for their beer deliveries and verify their age.
  • We reserve the right to sell any unsold or forfeited member bottles at a later date.
  • If you yourself do not live in CA or OR, it may behoove you to find a trustee who does.

In stock

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